Report Abuse
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Report Abuse
This form is for use under the following circumstances:
- You are personally receiving abusive or unlawful phone calls, and you believe Caller ID Spoofing may be involved.
If you believe you are the victim of harassment, Itellas requires consumers to obtain a police report from the appropriate municipality before any action to ban or block phone numbers can be taken. A copy of the police report must be submitted to Itellas, and after verification, we can assist you by adding your phone number(s) to our block list. - You are a member of law enforcement, and you require assistance with an investigation in which Caller ID Spoofing may be involved.
Itellas requests that law enforcement officials please do not issue subpoenas to us without first submitting a report here. If records are present, Itellas will contact you immediately to discuss the matter and provide details about how to obtain the information.
Please complete the form on the right to report an incident of abuse.